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Beware! National Chocolate Day
Beware! National Chocolate Day

Beware! National Chocolate Day

Today is one of my favorite days!  I can eat chocolate proudly and I do not need to make any excuses.   I tell everyone that I am a committed nationalist- to Chocolate!

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Paws For Thought; Pitbull Ban
Paws For Thought; Pitbull Ban

Paws For Thought; Pitbull Ban

It was a typical Wednesday evening in the Lomsnes household. Preparing dinner, watching the news and chatting. Everything seemed to be fine and in order.

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Pet Age Chart
Pet Age Chart

Pet Age Chart

Ever wondered how old your dog or cat is in human years? Thanks to our friends at the Pet Health Network we now have a chart to show the age of your pet in human years.

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The Cost of Veterinary Care
The Cost of Veterinary Care

The Cost of Veterinary Care

I often hear the comment “wow veterinary care costs a lot of money!” This is true, owning a pet can be very expensive.

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The Truth behind Pet Food Labels
The Truth behind Pet Food Labels

The Truth behind Pet Food Labels

The production of pet food is a multi-billion dollar industry and fiercely competitive. Finding a high quality healthy diet for your pet can be a daunting task.

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All About Pet Insurance
All About Pet Insurance

All About Pet Insurance

Do you have pet insurance for your pet? If you don’t, you are not alone. Only about 1.5% of Canadian pet owners have insurance for their four legged family member.

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Was your dog attacked by a porcupine?
What if your dog is attacked by a porcupine?

Was your dog attacked by a porcupine?

As the days get longer and warmer, we shed our outer layers, emerge from the comfort of our homes, and venture out into nature with dogs in tow.

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Is It Old Age or Pet Arthritis?
Is It Old Age or Pet Arthritis?

Is It Old Age or Pet Arthritis?

Determining if your cat has arthritis is difficult, but it might still exist. Cats don’t complain when they are sore, they just keep trying to make us happy!

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Don’t Blame the Pitbull
Don’t Blame the Pitbull

Don’t Blame the Pitbull

As a Pitbull lover and a former owner of two Pitbulls, I cannot say it enough “do not blame the Pitbull, blame the owner.”

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The Importance of Senior Cat Blood Work
Why Blood work for your Senior Cat is important

The Importance of Senior Cat Blood Work

Diligent owners may miss a senior cat's subtle illness signs. Early vet intervention is crucial & cost-effective. Blood work testing helps determine issues early.

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Food for your Cat’s Urinary Tract Health
Ideal Food For your Cat’s Urinary Tract Health

Food for your Cat’s Urinary Tract Health

Ring Ring: “Good morning Dr. Molson speaking how can I help you?” “Hello Dr. Molson its Garfield here the orange, male neutered, domestic shorthair calling

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“Paw” It Forward: The Rose Fund
“Paw” It Forward: The Rose Fund

“Paw” It Forward: The Rose Fund

I was very fortunate to work with an amazing woman named Sharon Rodwell. Sharon was four-foot-nothing, with brilliant red hair.

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